We all read the rants and Raves from the paper. As much as I would like to deny that I read the weekly spewing of anonymous venom, I can't. Occasionally a little tid-bit of positive commentary is thrown in. Just to ease our conscience. But we all read the rants..that's why we read it. I don't have access to all the Rants, The Franklin Press gets, but I'll bet there are some dooseies. Every week there is one, so out there, so idiotic, that if I had put it in. I would want to be anonymous too. I would not want anyone to know. This weeks choice was:
If the U.S. postal Service would stop spending so much on Food Network and sporting events, maybe it would be fine financially.
According to 2008 financial disclosure the USPS LOST 2.2 Million dollars. Which is more than 50% less than what they lost in 2007. It was over 5 million.
The question is do they spend 2.5 million on sporting events and the Food Network. OK... I can go along with sporting events. Its not cheap to advertise there. BUT, the Food Network...really how much can you spend on the Food Network. And what kinda person watches the Food Network to see the USPS Ads??? It boggles my mind. I can see why they would want to be anonymous .So would I.
Does The Postmaster General read the Franklin Press. Would he read the rants.
Why waste your energy on a rant when you could call the Postmaster General's Office, or email them. Or better yet..Send them a LETTER
Duke Power wants to raise its rates. To build a coal fired plant. Building a Coal Fired Plant doesn't bother me. Coal is required to be cleaner in the US than anywhere in the world. We have plenty of it. Everybody knows we need the jobs.( Except for the crazies out in Hollywood..But I am not going to go there.) But why raise our rates to do it instead of taking it out of the CEO'S pockets. My bottom line is in the red..how about yours Duke(like they read my blog!). My solution ...If everybody only paid half their bill for just one month, Duke might sit up and take notice.!! Of course, we would all be sitting in the dark. Boy, that would show them...yeah right.
Teens Throwing Explosives at the Wayah Tower.
These idiots not only used explosives at one of the most beautiful views in our county they video taped it and put it on YOUTUBE!!!
Apparently these moronic young men do not work or go to school. I would give them a choice. Army or jail. If they slack off in the Military they could always go back to jail. I have no sympathy for these morons.
LORD, I pray that I have raised my son not to do these things.
Prayers to all our neighbors who are struggling with the rain.
Instead of complaining, whining and just being petty..do something constructive. Don't hide behind a rant to spew your venom like a snake. Talk to your neighbor..find the people in charge talk to them . As I tell my son...God is video taping everything you do.
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