Rant: How can anyone be a Democrat and sit in church on Sunday? Abortion? Gay rights? Everything you stand for goes against the Bible.
I don't usually deal with politics and religion, but this is so out there I had to comment.
Here are my observations: The Rantor goes to church and wants to be a Christian. He is offended because there is a Democrat in Church. Not all Democrats are crazy right wingers, just like all Republicans aren't all left wing zealots. Does this Rantor know the contents of this Democrats heart? Does this Rantor know that according to the Bible you are not supposed to judge. Does this Rantor know that Christ said the healthy do not need a physician.
And who does he think he is to say who is supposed to be in church and who isn't. Maybe this Rantor should spend a little more time on his knees and less time looking down his nose on his neighbor.
Is he speaking for God..cause if he is I have got a ton of questions.
The wonderful thing about this country is we are given freedom of choice. Some choose wisely some don't. But the thing is ..we get to choose.
Absentee Policy:
My 12 year old had Type A flu..He missed 5 days of school. Doctors Excuse..Quarantine to keep it from spreading. I received 3 phone calls from our Principal and a letter. Here's the thing I called the school, I picked up his work and my son is almost a Straight A student. Hello..I even turned his Science fair project in so that it wasn't late. Is our middle school so big that they don't even read the Dr's notes. There are truly some wonderful people at the school like Ms. Paula Anglin that actually know what is going on and keeps everything rolling but, sometimes that place is so anti-parent. My son has wonderful teachers this year and I really like Mr. Maslin. Is it the school board that is so out of touch. There is a 19 day rule that keeps you from passing for Middle School. If my son gets the H1N1 virus I think, I will personally wheel him into the School Board meeting and let him cough on everybody there. Lets see how many days they miss.
As for the high school...I don't have to worry about that for another couple of years. But, in other states..like Georgia, if you don't go to school, the state pulls your Drivers license. This still boils down to parents. Me,I am a Helicopter Mom, I hover. Actually Iam not just any kind of helicopter mom, I am an Apache Assault. And proud of it. We Helicopter Moms have a word for those parents that are never involved. We call them Stealths..cause you never see them.
CHRISTOPHER LUNTZ...that's all I need to say about him. He is GOD's now.
Carl E Nesbit Jr. 45 and Nathan Kristopher Boutin,32 plead guilty to child sex crimes.
I am a pretty laid back person, live and let live. love your neighbor. But,when it comes to crimes against children, all that goes out the window.
In medieval times we could have drawn and quartered them in the town square. You know, four big horses one tied to each limb and sent into 4 different directions until they pull the person apart. But,I guess we are more civilized now. Personally, I think they are Rabid Animals and need to be put down like one.
Shame on the Fanklin Press for putting it on page 10 and without photos. Parents need to see the faces of these animals.
Remember..talk your neighbor...do something about the things you can change..you can choose your path in life..choose well..GOD is video taping everything you do.
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