Rant: Just because the DA dismisses a case it doesn't mean a person is innocent.
Well...Actually it does.
In our Country you are innocent until a jury sayS you are guilty. You do not have to prove your innocence. The State has to prove you are guilty.
In this case they did not have even enough proof to press charges or go before a Grand Jury .I am not even going to pretend I don't know who this rant is about..Anyone who reads our paper or watches WLOS- 13 know who we are talking about. If you are a constant reader you know how I feel about RABID animals who hurt children. If not just check out last weeks Blog.
"It is better for ten guilty men to go free than one innocent to suffer." William Blackstone said this in 1760.
October 3, 1692, while decrying the Salem witch trials, Increase Mather wrote, "It were better that Ten Suspected Witches should escape, than that the Innocent Person should be Condemned.;
Benjamin Franklin stated it as, "it is better [one hundred] guilty Persons should escape than that one innocent Person should suffer".
"When GOD was going to destroy Sodom He told Abraham if he could find 10 righteous people in the city he would not destroy it. Out of a city that was an"abomination" in the eyes of God he would have left it standing just to save 10 innocents.
Think about it..
In early Roman and Jewish times you had to have 3 people to stand by you to prove your innocence. If no one came forth, you were guilty.
Juries find a lot of people innocent that we the public believe are guilty. We don't like it . But how many people are being let out of prison because DNA has proven them innocent. They have lost their lives..No innocent should ever suffer when there is a reasonable doubt.
Egads ..its election time in Macon..Mayoral and Aldermen. Its your choice vote..please vote wisely..don't vote..don't complain.
Bogus Cancer Cure Case..I don't know anything about this particular person, but anybody who profits on the desperation of the sick, lonely or broken hearted should be taught a lesson by a hickory switch.
Jason Stamey..25 first he falls asleep (passed out?) in the McDonald's Drive Thru, when the cops wake him up he runs and they chase him down. He gets caught. A couple of weeks later, He runs a stop sign, he gets blue lighted and he runs again...Guess What ..he gets caught AGAIN. This guy is really a slow learner.What a MORON
H1N1(SWINE FLU): You know the CDC can give it all the pretty names they want to..to me its still SWINE FLU,just like SARS is still BIRD flu. I wonder sometimes just how stupid they think John Q Public really is. A flu with any other name will still kill you if it can.! ( mangled Shakespeare, Sorry Will).
For transplant patients like me these outbreaks can put put you on edge. My poor son has to have two flu test and two Strep tests since school started. They stick a swab so far up your nose it tickles the brain. He had "Type A" flu the last time. So guess what Mom got too!!! I got over it pretty easy . My Dr and Transplant coordinator gave me an RX for Tami-flu. one of the side effects is Odd or out of character behavior..
I guess me flipping my yogurt onto the ceiling could be considered an odd behavioral side effect.
Christie Downs, one of our own, who is a Post transplant patient is in Angel hospital in respiratory isolation with H1N1. Please Pray for her. She is so young and has two little ones that need her.
Christ stood alone before his accusers..his friends, his disciples had fled. This thought always makes me so sad..with all the good he had done, all the people he had healed, no one stepped forward to speak for him.
Remember your friends and accept their faults..love your enemies no matter how hard it is..GOD is videotaping everything you do.
I really do enjoy your blog. But, so far, in this blog, my most favorite part is the yogurt :}