I was rolling my Halloween pumpkins out to my car. I had just purchased them at the grocery store, There was a man outside, apparently an employee at the store and he was about to gather the buggies up to take back into the store. I asked him if he wanted my buggy too and he said yes and I told him he could have it if he would put my 3 HUGE pumpkins in the back of the car. We joked a little bit, small talk mostly, you know how we southern women do. And I told him as he was pushing my buggy away "Happy Halloween" and he says: (this is where it gets confusing and the point) "Oh Halloween is my saint's night"..I stared blankly.."you know," he said, "the saint of Goblins and Witches" I know I looked at him strange and said: "Oooh ...Kay" and got in my car and left. Is there a Saint other than Saint George that is over Halloween...I mean in Christianity..did I misunderstand. Did he mean he worshiped a saint..a demon.. the devil?. I hate to think of anyone that lost in the world. I found these words meaningful today;Its from Christs sermon on the mountain.
Mathew 7;13-14
13"Go in through the narrow gate; because broad and spacious is the road leading to destruction, and many are the ones going through it; 14 whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are the ones finding it.
How strange...did you research this?