Friday, August 14, 2009

Well, my son has made it home. I am so glad. During his time at camp, I did not know when he would call, so I carried the cordless phones with me at all times. I ended up losing one phone and the other one went dead. I am just sad, that's the only way to describe me... just sad(Ha ha)

Here is an original poem. I k now linda faye will remember it. I wrote it when I lived in a haunted house. If there is such a thing. But that's a story for another day. Here goes:

I Believe in the magic of the first snowflake of winter
the Rainbow
that someday I'll fly,
, without wings
I Believe that my Barbie could really talk ,
and that Ken is anatomically correct
I Believe that if you dig a whole deep enough,
you will come out in China.
I believe that there will be peace on earth.
that everyone will be brothers and sisters.
I believe that some day I will see Alaska
that someday I will be happy.

I believe that there are mermaids and unicorns,
castles on clouds floating through air.
true love
I believe in friendships that last forever.
in angels
I believe that music soothes the savage beast
that turkeys are the dumbest animals on earth.
I Believe in the wagging tail of a dog,
the purr of a cat, and the grace of a horse
The sound of a rushing creek
the silence of a forest.
I believe that Bambi's real mother is alive,
that the one that was killed, stole him at birth.

I believe in the bittersweet emotion of watching the first leaf fall,
dying as it drifts to earth

I believe in Santa Claus and the tooth fairy
that an apple a day-
I believe a rose would not smell as sweet
if it was called a dandelion.
I believe in miracles and magic
aliens and spaceships
Bigfoot and baby pigeons.
I believe that chickens do cross the road
that the cutest actors do not have the same bodily functions as we do.
I believe in blue jeans and silk
elves, fairies and toadstools
sunrises, sunshine, and sunsets
I believe in rocking chairs
southern front porch swings
I believe that blue cheese is turkey food.
I believe in the Calvary,
John Wayne, Gary Cooper, Lucille Ball
I believe that the good will of Christmas can last forever,
If everyone believed it would.
I believe in all the lost dreams of childhood
that someday I will be as a child again
I believe
do you?

written in 1995 I hope you like it.


  1. I didn't know you wuz a poet.
    Glad Jordan made it home. I was more worried about you than him. Now, can he go to Space Camp?
    I'm glad you have a blog. Now I have something else to look at daily.

  2. The optimumn word there is "wuz". I dont know. It was pretty rough..on me..LOL Yeah I think that we will send him to space camp next year.

  3. I really like this poem! Brings back memories.
