I Love GOD. The way he has handled things in my life has been nothing short of miraculous.
And he has always been there. Of course there have been so many times. When I have prayed and prayed for something I wanted, His answer was no like any good parent it was not what was best for me. And yet I struggled on, usually getting what I wanted and later on after a major mistake I would go back to GOD and say Why did this happen??? Why.. Because I acted like a 2 year old with a tantrum and like a rebellious teenager. Had to do it myself ,make my own mistakes.
I love being a Christian. Life is so much simpler. I let GOD work things out for me and I just try not to embarrass him or dishonor him.
You know I write this hesitant to use GODS name. Jehovah. I just always feel so empowered when I say it. Does it do that to you?
I have a wonderful friend that I love very much who is finding her way back to GOD. And while she has made mistakes as we all have, She has always been a kinder person than I am. We have wonderful disagreements about things.
The point of all these ramblings is that tomorrow( or today since it is 5:30 and I have been up since 3:40)I stay with Tim's mother for a couple of hours. I don't mind sitting with her, its just that it reminds me so much of when I was in the hospital after my transplants.
And here is where God comes in . Tim's mother Arlice and I never got along. I never went to her house and she never came here. Because she overstepped her bounds, I am an extremely private person, and Tim and I were having problems. All this was 10 to 12 years ago. We eventually went to our separate corners and that maintained the status quo. Until I got sick, and that is when things really started getting bad.
She started calling a lot, and I mean alot. At all hours, day and night. She was diagnosed with Parkinson's, Alzeminers and Dementia. During this time I kept praying for something to turn up to help me pay my rising medical bills. So after 10 years I go to her home and here is this frail little old woman. I left my animosity at the door. I still don't like going over there ,but not because of her. This is what I think.
GOD saw the perfect opportunity to rectify 2 problems in my life. He took away the hardness in my heart towards my mother-in-law and I get paid to sit with her, which helps pay some on my medical bills.
Isn't it funny how GOD manages all these things. It just tickles me when I think about it and leaves me with a smile. My father in Heaven. Hallowed be thy name.
Do you have something God has made you smile about?? Let me know.
Great story!!!!