Tim's newest thing is fly fishing. Apparently this is an acquired art unlike just fishing. Who Knew? He is headed out today with some guys from work ,which is great. It gets him out of the house and away from the stress of work,his mom,me. Truly I was blessed when GOD sent me this wonderful man who drives me so crazy. Thank You GOD.!
Worthless Trivia
During the middle ages a lb of the spice ginger was worth one sheep.
The Greeks created gingerbread. They would wrap a piece of ginger in bread and eat it after meals to aid digestion.
Ladies would give knights ginger before jousting to bring them good luck.
Helpful Hint
Use regular toothpaste (non-gel) to clean sneakers using an old toothbrush.
Wash your hands with toothpaste to get rid of onion, fish, garlic, etc.
Have a great day and let me know you are out there. Deborah
Hey I heard that wearing a dryer sheet can keep away the mosquitos!!