Thursday, August 13, 2009

Today I finished painting my hallway. I have a terriable headache. Tim (my SUBSTANIAL ) other is bringing home meat from the Deli. I missed my best friend's oldest sons birthday. Happy birthday Bandon. We love you. My 12 year old is away at camp. How I miss him. He comes home tomorrow. There is so much to talk about. Having a transplant is not the way I had planned my life. But I play the cards I am dealt and try to remember that everything is just sand. Have youy heard the story. A teacher(or pastor) holds up a glass jar filled with golf balls. He asks if the jar is full. Of course everyone says yes. Then he pours small rocks in the jar. Is it full now he asks his class. Of course they say yes. Then he adds sand (sometimes its water)and that really fills it up. He then tells them that the golf balls represent the important things in life. Your family, friends God your morality and character. The gravel represents the stuff you just have to deal with like a rock in your shoe that you cant get out. If you walk with it long enough first you get a blister, then a callous and finally the peeble is worn smooth and you just don't feel it anymore. And the sand is the small stuff that gives you the grit to walk with that peeble. I try to remember that almost every trouble is sand.

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