Jordan went back to school today. I hate middle school. It is so anti parent. I could not even find out who Jordan's PE teacher was this morning to ask him or her how they wanted us to handle Jordan's smashed toe. That was very irratating. The fact that I am an over protective parent doesn't help.
At least they have a name for mothers like me we are called: HELICOPTER MOM" We hover over our children. I am not just any kind of helicopter. No weather or even a police helicopter. Nope I am a Apache Assault. I used to feel defensive about being so protective. More than one friend and teacher felt the need to tell me I was. I had to defend myself. I prayed and prayed about it because I thought I might be warping his little head. Asking GOD what to do. We are a very close little family. And waiting for a phone call that will save your life will make you hold your loved ones a little closer. In my case a lot. And one day I heard God telling me it was not a bad thing but that if I did not protect my child..who would. So I try to be there for my son..hovering in case he needs me. I think that is what GOD does...He hovers..he is always there if we need him...I guess he is like a Helicopter Parent.
And Christ said when the disciples would have rebuked the children: Suffer the little children, for they are the kingdom of heaven. I am so happy to be a child of God..Amen.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009

We also saw river otters. They were behind a plexi-glass wall that said DO NOT PUT YOUR HAND OVER WALL. THE OTTERS WILL BITE." Well...what is the first thing Tim does? He sticks his hand over the glass. One of the otters climbed on a rock and stood up and was about 6 inches from Tim's hand. It was an amazing sight. And the one we remember most.
Remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy. EX 20:8 Amen
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Deborah Savage (pinkie28763) on Twitter
Deborah Savage (pinkie28763) on Twitter: ""
Friday, August 21, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
A Landmark Liver Transplant Saves Lives, by Steve Baragona, Endeavors, Spring 1999
A Landmark Liver Transplant Saves Lives, by Steve Baragona, Endeavors, Spring 1999: "Usually, a patient needing a liver transplant has to wait for an organ to become available from a cadaver. Fifteen percent of patients on the waiting list for donor livers die before one becomes available, Fair says. And the list grows longer every year.
But now a patient in desperate need of a liver may not have to wait for an organ that never comes. Fair estimates that living adult-to-adult liver transplants will supply up to a third of the needs in the United States.
Using an organ from a living donor allows doctors to operate while the patient is relatively healthy. And a living organ will work better sooner.
Transplanting from living donors is possible because of the liver's remarkable ability to regenerate. No other organ in the human body can do that. In about six weeks, both the donor and recipient livers grow to accommodate their bodies' needs. The liver serves as the body's pantry and washing machine, storing surplus sugars and removing toxins from the blood.
Adult-to-child transplants have been performed for several years. The adult-to-adult operation 'is essentially the same procedure as the adult-to-child, but it's much harder because of the magnitude involved,' Fair says. A larger section of liver is needed, requiring many more delicate surgical connections.
Since the first surgery, Fair and his team have performed two more living-related adult-to-adult liver transplants. All four patients are doing well.
Baragona is a research technician in the Division of Infectious Diseases.
Article by Steve Baragona
© Copyright 1999 Endeavors magazine, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. All rights reserved. What do you think of this story?"
But now a patient in desperate need of a liver may not have to wait for an organ that never comes. Fair estimates that living adult-to-adult liver transplants will supply up to a third of the needs in the United States.
Using an organ from a living donor allows doctors to operate while the patient is relatively healthy. And a living organ will work better sooner.
Transplanting from living donors is possible because of the liver's remarkable ability to regenerate. No other organ in the human body can do that. In about six weeks, both the donor and recipient livers grow to accommodate their bodies' needs. The liver serves as the body's pantry and washing machine, storing surplus sugars and removing toxins from the blood.
Adult-to-child transplants have been performed for several years. The adult-to-adult operation 'is essentially the same procedure as the adult-to-child, but it's much harder because of the magnitude involved,' Fair says. A larger section of liver is needed, requiring many more delicate surgical connections.
Since the first surgery, Fair and his team have performed two more living-related adult-to-adult liver transplants. All four patients are doing well.
Baragona is a research technician in the Division of Infectious Diseases.
Article by Steve Baragona
© Copyright 1999 Endeavors magazine, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. All rights reserved. What do you think of this story?"
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tim's newest thing is fly fishing. Apparently this is an acquired art unlike just fishing. Who Knew? He is headed out today with some guys from work ,which is great. It gets him out of the house and away from the stress of work,his mom,me. Truly I was blessed when GOD sent me this wonderful man who drives me so crazy. Thank You GOD.!
Worthless Trivia
During the middle ages a lb of the spice ginger was worth one sheep.
The Greeks created gingerbread. They would wrap a piece of ginger in bread and eat it after meals to aid digestion.
Ladies would give knights ginger before jousting to bring them good luck.
Helpful Hint
Use regular toothpaste (non-gel) to clean sneakers using an old toothbrush.
Wash your hands with toothpaste to get rid of onion, fish, garlic, etc.
Have a great day and let me know you are out there. Deborah
Monday, August 17, 2009

I Love GOD. The way he has handled things in my life has been nothing short of miraculous.
And he has always been there. Of course there have been so many times. When I have prayed and prayed for something I wanted, His answer was no like any good parent it was not what was best for me. And yet I struggled on, usually getting what I wanted and later on after a major mistake I would go back to GOD and say Why did this happen??? Why.. Because I acted like a 2 year old with a tantrum and like a rebellious teenager. Had to do it myself ,make my own mistakes.
I love being a Christian. Life is so much simpler. I let GOD work things out for me and I just try not to embarrass him or dishonor him.
You know I write this hesitant to use GODS name. Jehovah. I just always feel so empowered when I say it. Does it do that to you?
I have a wonderful friend that I love very much who is finding her way back to GOD. And while she has made mistakes as we all have, She has always been a kinder person than I am. We have wonderful disagreements about things.
The point of all these ramblings is that tomorrow( or today since it is 5:30 and I have been up since 3:40)I stay with Tim's mother for a couple of hours. I don't mind sitting with her, its just that it reminds me so much of when I was in the hospital after my transplants.
And here is where God comes in . Tim's mother Arlice and I never got along. I never went to her house and she never came here. Because she overstepped her bounds, I am an extremely private person, and Tim and I were having problems. All this was 10 to 12 years ago. We eventually went to our separate corners and that maintained the status quo. Until I got sick, and that is when things really started getting bad.
She started calling a lot, and I mean alot. At all hours, day and night. She was diagnosed with Parkinson's, Alzeminers and Dementia. During this time I kept praying for something to turn up to help me pay my rising medical bills. So after 10 years I go to her home and here is this frail little old woman. I left my animosity at the door. I still don't like going over there ,but not because of her. This is what I think.
GOD saw the perfect opportunity to rectify 2 problems in my life. He took away the hardness in my heart towards my mother-in-law and I get paid to sit with her, which helps pay some on my medical bills.
Isn't it funny how GOD manages all these things. It just tickles me when I think about it and leaves me with a smile. My father in Heaven. Hallowed be thy name.
Do you have something God has made you smile about?? Let me know.
Saturday, August 15, 2009

I had (have) a wonderful friend that I worked with at the hospital years ago. She brought my son and I home from the hospital. We sort of fell out of touch and she went through a divorce and moved to Florida.
I was in Wally World today and I passed a person and I thought why she looks just like Kathy. But I am so bad at recognizing people.
Just yesterday I saw this man walking up the hardware aisle and poked Tim who has very good eyesight and all hie neurons, I said :
"Look that man could be your brother."
Tim looked at him and looked at me and said :"
"What in the world are you talking about?! That guy doesn't look like anything my brother."
By this time the gentleman had gotten closer and outweighed Tim about 200lbs.
Tim did not think my mistake very humorous. I do this all the time. Either see someone and think they are someone else or see someone I should know and dont have a clue. Its as if I was asleep for 3 years and I just woke up.
S0000..when I saw her face, I just went on by. Thinking nope that's not her. We left Wal-Mart ( I really hate that store since they remodeled it) and went to Ingles. I was looking in my buggy when I heard Deborah and it was her. we hugged and talked and talked and talked until Tim and Jordan' pushed us toward the check out. I asked her to call I hope she does.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Well, my son has made it home. I am so glad. During his time at camp, I did not know when he would call, so I carried the cordless phones with me at all times. I ended up losing one phone and the other one went dead. I am just sad, that's the only way to describe me... just sad(Ha ha)
Here is an original poem. I k now linda faye will remember it. I wrote it when I lived in a haunted house. If there is such a thing. But that's a story for another day. Here goes:
I Believe in the magic of the first snowflake of winter
the Rainbow
that someday I'll fly,
, without wings
I Believe that my Barbie could really talk ,
and that Ken is anatomically correct
I Believe that if you dig a whole deep enough,
you will come out in China.
I believe that there will be peace on earth.
that everyone will be brothers and sisters.
I believe that some day I will see Alaska
that someday I will be happy.
I believe that there are mermaids and unicorns,
castles on clouds floating through air.
true love
I believe in friendships that last forever.
in angels
I believe that music soothes the savage beast
that turkeys are the dumbest animals on earth.
I Believe in the wagging tail of a dog,
the purr of a cat, and the grace of a horse
The sound of a rushing creek
the silence of a forest.
I believe that Bambi's real mother is alive,
that the one that was killed, stole him at birth.
I believe in the bittersweet emotion of watching the first leaf fall,
dying as it drifts to earth
I believe in Santa Claus and the tooth fairy
that an apple a day-
I believe a rose would not smell as sweet
if it was called a dandelion.
I believe in miracles and magic
aliens and spaceships
Bigfoot and baby pigeons.
I believe that chickens do cross the road
that the cutest actors do not have the same bodily functions as we do.
I believe in blue jeans and silk
elves, fairies and toadstools
sunrises, sunshine, and sunsets
I believe in rocking chairs
southern front porch swings
I believe that blue cheese is turkey food.
I believe in the Calvary,
John Wayne, Gary Cooper, Lucille Ball
I believe that the good will of Christmas can last forever,
If everyone believed it would.
I believe in all the lost dreams of childhood
that someday I will be as a child again
I believe
do you?
written in 1995 I hope you like it.
Here is an original poem. I k now linda faye will remember it. I wrote it when I lived in a haunted house. If there is such a thing. But that's a story for another day. Here goes:
I Believe in the magic of the first snowflake of winter
the Rainbow
that someday I'll fly,
, without wings
I Believe that my Barbie could really talk ,
and that Ken is anatomically correct
I Believe that if you dig a whole deep enough,
you will come out in China.
I believe that there will be peace on earth.
that everyone will be brothers and sisters.
I believe that some day I will see Alaska
that someday I will be happy.
I believe that there are mermaids and unicorns,
castles on clouds floating through air.
true love
I believe in friendships that last forever.
in angels
I believe that music soothes the savage beast
that turkeys are the dumbest animals on earth.
I Believe in the wagging tail of a dog,
the purr of a cat, and the grace of a horse
The sound of a rushing creek
the silence of a forest.
I believe that Bambi's real mother is alive,
that the one that was killed, stole him at birth.
I believe in the bittersweet emotion of watching the first leaf fall,
dying as it drifts to earth
I believe in Santa Claus and the tooth fairy
that an apple a day-
I believe a rose would not smell as sweet
if it was called a dandelion.
I believe in miracles and magic
aliens and spaceships
Bigfoot and baby pigeons.
I believe that chickens do cross the road
that the cutest actors do not have the same bodily functions as we do.
I believe in blue jeans and silk
elves, fairies and toadstools
sunrises, sunshine, and sunsets
I believe in rocking chairs
southern front porch swings
I believe that blue cheese is turkey food.
I believe in the Calvary,
John Wayne, Gary Cooper, Lucille Ball
I believe that the good will of Christmas can last forever,
If everyone believed it would.
I believe in all the lost dreams of childhood
that someday I will be as a child again
I believe
do you?
written in 1995 I hope you like it.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Today I finished painting my hallway. I have a terriable headache. Tim (my SUBSTANIAL ) other is bringing home meat from the Deli. I missed my best friend's oldest sons birthday. Happy birthday Bandon. We love you. My 12 year old is away at camp. How I miss him. He comes home tomorrow. There is so much to talk about. Having a transplant is not the way I had planned my life. But I play the cards I am dealt and try to remember that everything is just sand. Have youy heard the story. A teacher(or pastor) holds up a glass jar filled with golf balls. He asks if the jar is full. Of course everyone says yes. Then he pours small rocks in the jar. Is it full now he asks his class. Of course they say yes. Then he adds sand (sometimes its water)and that really fills it up. He then tells them that the golf balls represent the important things in life. Your family, friends God your morality and character. The gravel represents the stuff you just have to deal with like a rock in your shoe that you cant get out. If you walk with it long enough first you get a blister, then a callous and finally the peeble is worn smooth and you just don't feel it anymore. And the sand is the small stuff that gives you the grit to walk with that peeble. I try to remember that almost every trouble is sand.
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